7月19日から8月25日の開館予定 / Scheduled to open from July 19 to August 25






The Ogijima Library always open from July 19 to August 25 during the Setouchi Triennale Summer season. We will not rest!

OGIKENOHI and ELEPHANT SUN in the library garden will always open from July 19 to August 25, too. In the library garden, they serve curry made with Ogijima vegetables and seafood, homemade herbal cola and mojito. You can bring food and drink inside the building.

Island is very hot, so please be careful about heatstroke and enjoy the art festival.

And I said “No rest”, but I’m sorry if I run out of energy and take a rest. It all depends on our physical strength. So, please be kind to the staff while enjoying the delicious food of the island and the book!

We are looking forward to meeting you at the library!

One thought on “7月19日から8月25日の開館予定 / Scheduled to open from July 19 to August 25

  • 図書館庭での男木島の野菜や海鮮を使ったカレー、自家製ハーブコーラ!楽しみにしています。天候が不順で大変だとは思いますが、スタッフの皆さんも熱中症に気をつけて、夏を乗り切ってください。


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